0411 286 259 [email protected]

Surrendering to the Present

by Nanci Bradley

How do you manifest? Recently, I realised that I had been falling into a pattern of obsessing over every little detail of my dream life, and allowing myself to become stressed about the ways that it could occur. A misuse of energy when you consider that such a major part of manifesting, is actually enjoying your present moment – not constantly sitting and stressing about how you can make your future get here faster!

But that can be easy to forget, especially as we are waiting for an outcome to arrive.

However, over the past week (with many ups and downs!) I realised that surrendering to the process and enjoying the experience of life is how I need to be moving forward. Allowing myself to embody who I want to be, rather than obsess over the things outside myself that I have no control over.

What might this Obsession look like?

For me, I would notice myself immersing my thoughts too deeply into scenarios as I was manifesting. Rather than feeling love and gratitude and all of the emotions I would feel in the moment, alongside simply picturing aspects of the experience, I was going into every little detail. For example, thinking about what I would say on our first date, pondering what I would do when the new client walks through the door, or considering how I would reply to a person in a particular scenario.

Gradually, I began to notice that I was getting more and more frustrated that I couldn’t move forward in life, because I didn’t have everything I was currently manifesting. And as this occurred, I would become more obsessed with figuring out what I was doing wrong and how I could force it to happen in my timing, rather than right timing.

Ending the Cycle

This was a cycle I had been participating in for a while, and so it took a full week of ups and downs to shift. I was given information from different sources and ideas from different people. 

Eventually, I began letting go of my expectations of what the future would look like, and simply created the life I wanted to live in this moment.

Doing this is the epitome of all manifesting strategies I have learned over the years – I had simply forgotten within my own obsession with the future.


You may be asking – how? How can I live as a person with the dream job, relationship, finances, friends when I don’t actually have those things yet?

You may be thinking – well if I had my dream friendship group, I would be going out to do activities together and enjoying our conversations. How can I enjoy conversations with people I have not connected with yet?

Or how can I afford my dream holiday as an abundant person, when I do not have the money in my bank account?

Or how can I go on dates with a partner who I have never even met?

Well, for you I have a few simple questions:

  • How would an abundant person feel when they have the opportunity to buy themselves their favourite cake on a Monday morning?
  • How would a person in a healthy, loving relationship feel when they saw a happy couple on the street?
  • How would a person with their dream career feel in the shower on a Monday morning?
  • How would a person with an amazing friendship group feel about their upcoming weekend?

Answering those questions, and implementing the necessary changes into your everyday life, allows you to have the thoughts, feelings and attitudes you want before the Thing has arrived in physical reality. This will both allow you to live more as your dream self and attract the things you desire into your life, as you are living as a person who has them!

And of course, this is an adjustment. There will be moments when you forget, when you fall into old habits. When these occur, it is NOT the time to begin beating yourself up emotionally or giving up. 

It is the time to have compassion for yourself, to notice where you misstepped in your goals, and to gently bring yourself back onto your ideal path.

Simply living rather than obsessing about what you lack, is such a beautiful way to enjoy as many moments as you possibly can. Life is in the present – I invite you today to surrender and live it!

Begin your journey today!

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